Your Happy Dog Coach
Services Offered

Services Offered

I currently have five packages of services available.
The prices of my services reflect the personalized programming and planning of
your family’s specific needs.
PLEASE NOTE: In-Home sessions are only available within 85km of YHDC’s location in Darlings Lake, NS. Public Meetings within this radius will be available if client is located outside of these geographical boundaries, or I can help you find a great trainer closer to you.
Included in all services:
  • check-ins between our meetings to help you problem solve and give insight on your work together, so that you and your dog can be successful in meeting your goals
  • travel times and associated costs
  • personalized prep-work, research, hand-outs & information packages (a one hour in-person meeting often requires between 1 and 3 hours of prep work to prepare)
  • a pre-registration call to discuss your specific needs and goals before committing to a program.
I am here to support you.

The best time to set your dog up for success is before they come home… the second best time is now! Your Happy Dog Coach offers a unique service…

More than obedience, your dog needs Life Skills. Your Happy Dog Coach helps you teach your dog boundaries, and manners first and foremost, which helps deepen your bond…

There’s nothing quite like seeing your kids grow up with the love of a dog. Your Happy Dog Coach helps ensure your children and dog stay safe and become the best of friends…

Some dogs react to other dogs by barking, lunging, or pulling on the leash. Your Happy Dog Coach understands these struggles and sets up some great practice sessions to help…

If you have a dog who is anxious, nervous or stressed about vet visits, this is the package for you. As a Fear Free Certified Professional Trainer, I have the education and knowledge to help…


Please remember that I am a trainer and I am your coach. I have the education, knowledge, and experience to give you the tools that you need to help create a special relationship and a connected bond with your dog, which, in turn, will be the foundation for all things training. Your dog’s results are directly correlated to the the amount of time, effort, and practice that you put into working with them on their training plan. This is what will determine how successful you and your dog are in everything the two of you learn together.
You see, I can show you what to do, how to do it, and explain why we do it, but you have to continue to do it… don’t worry, I am here and happy to support you through it all!